VS/VS 大華府趕集歌手

VS/VS (Vox Singers with Victor Shen) is a choral ensemble in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area formed by a group of enthused and experienced singers. Established in 2014, VS/VS currently has more than thirty members under the mentorship from Dr. Victor Shen. Many of the members have known Dr. Shen since 1998 when he was studying his DMA at University of Maryland, and are attracted by his charismatic conducting style in rehearsals and performances. Since the 2015 debut concert “Spring Into Song”, VS/VS has thrived with many young members and continues to pursue the beauty of choral music. Every season we have a brand new repertoire includes a wide range of multicultural choral music in various languages and styles, such as traditional and contemporary Chinese, Taiwanese and Hakka songs, classical religious hymns, folk songs from various regions around the globe, and selections from Broadway musicals.

Rehearsals take place every other weekend in the evenings led by the assistant conductors, with additional bootcamp practices during winter and summer breaks with Dr. Shen.

Our annual concert takes place in February, and it is made possibly by membership fees and private donations. We sincerely appreciate all the generous support!

大華府趕集歌手 由一群悠遊合唱天地數十年、不斷追求自我挑戰的歌手於2014年組成,他們平日各有專業,周末抽空聚會演練,享受合唱世界的豐富美好。趕集歌手現有三十多位成員,邀請沈新欽博士專程自新澤西州南下指導。趕集歌手從長久的合唱經驗中培養出豐富的音樂素養,許多成員早在1998年沈新欽指揮在馬里蘭大學攻讀博士時就體驗到他指揮合唱的魅力。自2015年「春回地暖歌聲揚」音樂會初試啼聲後,趕集歌手逐年累積默契並增添多位年輕新血,計畫於每個樂季籌備與演練全新一套曲目,包含古今中外不同語言和風格的合唱作品,獻給大華府區愛樂大眾。


每年二月的年度音樂會所有經費皆來自團員年費及各界捐款。大華府趕集歌手誠摯感謝您的鼓勵和支持 !