Pianist - Dr. HsiaoPei Huang 鋼琴伴奏 黃筱佩博士

Dr. HsiaoPei Huang, a native of Taiwan, earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Michigan State University, Master of Music degree from Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and Bachelor of Arts degree from Soochow University in Taiwan. She has studied with Deborah Moriarty, Benjamin Pasternack, Lihui Chen and played in master class for Stephen Prutsman and Wu Han, among others.

Dr. Huang received a full scholarship as a Piano Graduate Assistant at Michigan State University. Besides focusing on her solo performances, Dr. Huang is also a collaborative pianist. She has been performing frequently with instrumentalists and singers. Currently she is the accompanist for VS/VS Chorus, Glorystar Children’s Chorus, JinHua-CCGW Children's Chorus, Columbia Chinese Choral Arts Society, Ching-Yun Society, and the guest accompanist for National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus of the Washington D.C. area.

黃筱佩,密西根州立大學博士、約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶第音樂院碩士、台灣東吳大學學士。主修鋼琴演奏、副修理論作曲。先後師事 Deborah Moriarty,Benjamin Pasternack,陳俐慧,金希文。就學期間曾參與多位知名鋼琴家的大師班指導,如 Stephen Prutsman 以及吳菡等。 除了鋼琴演奏之外,黃博士亦擔任許多器樂與聲樂伴奏。在密西根州立大學攻讀博士班時,除了獲全額獎學金之外,還受聘為鋼琴伴奏研究助理,與校內器樂家及聲樂家們從事各種形式的演出,累積豐富的伴奏經驗。平時於自己的音樂工作室教授鋼琴,還有擔任合唱團及聲樂團體的伴奏。現任大華府趕集歌手、榮星兒童合唱團、菁華兒童合唱團、哥倫比亞盛華合唱團、清韻小集伴奏以及華府台大校友合唱團客席伴奏。