Welcome to VS/VS 歡迎來到「大華府趕集歌手」

<07/02/2021 News>

[ Rainbow ] - VS/VS 2021 Virtual Choir Project [ 彩虹 ] - 大華府趕集歌手2021虛擬合唱計畫


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, VS/VS could not hold our annual live concert in 2021 to share the beauty of choral music with our audience in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Here, we present our virtual choir project “Rainbow”, and hope this song will provide some comfort and company during this trying time~

過去六年來,大華府趕集歌手總在春天的時候,和華府地區愛好合唱的朋友們分享美妙的音樂~ 因為疫情,2021年我們無奈地暫停了練唱和趕集,現在且讓趕集歌手們藉著虛擬合唱的這首「彩虹」與大家「共ㄧ曲歌謠相伴」!

<2/21/2020 News>

VS/VS 2020 Annual Concert has successfully concluded. Many thanks to all our sponsors, family and friends for the tremendous support. We hope everyone enjoyed the music as all the VS/VS singers had so much fun singing for you!! Please see the news report here: http://bit.ly/3bPO7H0 and visit our YouTube channel (https://rb.gy/4e7nps) for the concert recordings. See you all next time!

「VS/VS大華府趕集歌手」2020 年度音樂會已經圓滿落幕,感謝所有贊助者與愛樂朋友的支持與鼓勵!! 請參考世界日報的報導 http://bit.ly/3bPO7H0 並前往我們的YouTube頻道 (https://rb.gy/4e7nps) 來觀賞本次音樂會的影音紀錄,咱們下回見囉!

<1/19/2020 News>

VS/VS 2020 Concert

VS/VS (Vox Singers with Victor Shen) is a choral ensemble formed by a group of enthused and experienced singers. From our inception in 2015, VS/VS has established a great reputation in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area. This year, we again prepared a brand new multicultural repertoire in diverse styles, including the joyful "Masijabule" with original Zuru text, the a cappella hymn "Ave Generosa" written by the Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo, "I Will Arise and Go" based on W. B. Yeats' poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree", and many other choral works in Mandarin, Taiwanese and Hakka. This riveting concert will be held on February 15th at 4:30 pm at North Bethesda United Methodist Church (10100 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda MD 20814). We look forward to sharing our love and joy of singing with everyone!

無論是歌詠生命之美的非洲祖魯民歌Masijabule、半生奉獻台灣的醫療傳道人馬偕藉詩寄情的「最後的住家」、百年來慰藉無數北美愛爾蘭裔移民的Danny Boy,或是人類與自然對話的「樹問」,在情人節周末,大華府趕集歌手(VS/VS)精心準備一場演唱會,用合唱詮釋不同民族、國度、不同層次的世間情愛。




外文曲目則有當今合唱界矚目的挪威新銳作曲家Ola Gjeilo的無伴奏聖歌Ave Generosa 、饒富美國南方風情的民謠Old Joe Clark;I Will Arise and Go則是由美國中生代作曲家Shawn Kirchner譜自愛爾蘭詩人葉慈的詩作,獨唱和合唱的交替,流暢而深情的賦格交疊,流暢而深情地詮釋葉慈記憶中的愛爾蘭家鄉Innisfree島嶼。

2020年趕集歌手演唱會訂於2月15日(週六)下午4時30分舉行,地點和過去五年相同,仍在馬州貝賽斯達的North Bethesda United Methodist Church (10100 Old Georgetown Rd. Bethesda MD)。 免票、免費入場,歡迎聆賞指教及捐款贊助。

<5/03/2019 News>

VS/VS Audition & Open House 大華府趕集歌手招募新聲

VS/VS is a choral ensemble in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area formed by a group of enthused and experienced singers under the mentorship of Dr. Victor Shen. Our repertoire includes multicultural choral music in various languages and styles. We will have an annual audition and open house on 6/29, 6:00-9:00 pm. If interested please fill out the online application https://bit.ly/2GYodmY . We will contact you to arrange audition time and location. If you have any questions please contact VS4public@gmail.com . We look forward to singing with you!


有興趣的朋友請直接填妥線上報名表 https://bit.ly/2GYodmY 屆時會有專人跟您連絡並安排試唱的時間及地點,如有任何問題,請email至VS4public@gmail.com,謝謝!


<2/27/2019 News>

VS/VS & Vox Nova 2019 Joint Concert has successfully concluded. Many thanks to all our sponsors, family and friends for the tremendous support. Please check our YouTube channel https://goo.gl/MVNV6F for the concert recording and the news report here: https://bit.ly/2PLP1to. See you all in 2020!

「VS/VS大華府趕集歌手」「New Jersey Vox Nova 新澤西新聲室內合唱團」2019聯合音樂會已經圓滿落幕,感謝所有贊助者與愛樂朋友的支持!! 請參考世界日報的報導 https://bit.ly/2GYodmY 及我們YouTube頻道上的音樂會影音 https://goo.gl/MVNV6F.

<1/21/2019 News>

VS/VS (Vox Singers with Victor Shen) is a choral ensemble formed by a group of enthused and experienced singers. From our inception in 2015, VS/VS has established a great reputation in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area. This year we have a brand new program: a joint concert with “Vox Nova” from New Jersey. This exciting concert will feature some wonderful and multi-cultural music including: “Five Hebrew Love Songs” by Eric Whitacre; selections from Leonard Bernstein’s groundbreaking West Side Story; songs from the Oscar-winning, La La Land; and the traditional African folk song, “Bebethandaza”. This riveting concert will be held in New Brunswick, New Jersey on February 16th, and in Bethesda, Maryland on February 23rd. We look forward to sharing our love and joy of singing with everyone!

感謝各位愛樂者的支持,「VS/VS大華府趕集歌手」自成立已邁入第五個年頭,今年趕集歌手們即將在二月底與大家相見,由名指揮沈新欽博士親臨指導,並再次與「New Jersey Vox Nova 新澤西新聲室內合唱團」合作,希望能為觀眾帶來全新的感受。此次聯合音樂會在新澤西(2/16)及馬里蘭(2/23)兩地分別都有場次演出。曲目包括深情的希伯來情歌組曲 <Five Hebrew Love songs> ,活潑的百老匯選粹West Side Story <Something’s coming/Tonight> 、La La Land < Another Day of Sun>,新版編曲的 <丟丟銅仔>和<城南送別>, 以及非洲民謠 <Babethandaza> 等跨界多元的精彩內容。 誠摯邀請大家前來聆賞指教!

VS/VS & Vox Nova 2019 Joint Concert- New Jersey

February 16th, Saturday 5pm

Kirkpatrick Chapel, Rutgers University

81 Somerset Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

VS/VS & Vox Nova 2019 Joint Concert- Maryland

February 23rd, Saturday 7pm

North Bethesda United Methodist Church

10100 Old Georgetown Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814